Strategic MacroEconomic Course and Prospect Development 2023

Project scope
Training & development Market research Market expansion Education Social sciencesSkills
warning systems sales prospecting economic indicators financial services dashboard offshoring sales research business to business labor economics10 Interns or School Teams starting Spring Summer 2023 timeframe.
The focus for each team will be a different vertical industry and sector approach. Some will be Automotive Parts, others will be Financial Industry. This will assist our Career Coaches in our expansion and use of Macro-Economics.
We need assistance developing an outreach process for our B2B Corporate Outplacement Sales Division.
The project may include, but is not limited to:
Identifying new potential accounts that align with our current customer base.Compiling relevant market information to explore the following:
1. Manufacturers moving plants overseas (offshoring) to cheaper labor nations like China or (reshoring) to the West.
2. Industries likely to experience disruptive forces / disintermediation from new players like uber or Airbnb or Auto sector disrupted by Tesla's EVs.
3. Analyses of Competitive SWOT blindspots trends for companies that have not stayed competitive in their industry
The final project deliverable is a report including research, analysis, and recommendations.
1. We are looking for those wanting to use various software tools and platforms to identify good corporate prospects for our outplacement business. utilizing Government agencies research on macro trends, like inflation and needs to fight inflation and more.
2. We are looking to set up economic indicators for early warning systems for downturns in the labour market or risk off periods when High tech companies will be reducing staff.
3. Setting up Dashboards of indicators for market downturns in general for different sector analysis.
4. Requiring surveys of corporations to look at those considering layoffs to be designed with best practices.
Outcome desired: The end result is a 360 degree dashboard view of sentiment and other indicators to determine likelihood of near term to medium term layoffs in employees across the country. These are sales prospects for our company's b2b outplacement division.
We will give direction and mentorship on the interaction of b2b with career transition and coaching services.
They will build on past Phase 1 course development modules so there is a base to learn from.
We will show them sources for research to consider to gather primary and secondary research using our polling software and various other sources.
About the company
CareerNiche is the Pioneer in the brand new category of Professional Career Transition Marketing and Organizational Change Management. We perform in the b2b Outplacement Coaching, Training and Consulting Services with Enterprise level Corporations and b2c Career Transition space for job seekers and career driven individuals. On the consumer (b2c) side, we are there for the lifelong career journey, helping driven, career - focused individuals who want to turbocharge their career success through proper personal branding and self-marketing for career, life and work advancements and transition. We prevent clients from living someone else's dreams for their future or being in a job or industry that no longer excites them. Next, with regard to career advancement or job searches or pivots from corporate to entrepreneur, we are there for client's entire career life cycle. CareerNiche recognizes the blurred lines between employees toggling between freelancers or contract gigs. We help clients gain a real advantage. You can help change our clients' careers and lives after job loss.
We are looking to produce our first PR Campaign the second half of 2024.